My Photo

My home is in Chamberlains, CBS, Newfoundland: a place close enough to sea so that I can go there to watch the glorious sunsets over the bay, and the other infinite variety of sights and sounds that are forever changing, yet forever the same. I'm not as young as I used to be and don't get around much any more, but I've had many wonderful hours of enjoyment with my Yasihca 44 TLR and trusty old OM-2. I've always enjoyed photographing wild flowers, particularly the smaller ones, many of which , albeit mostly overlooked and dismissed as weeds, are exquisitely beautiful. Digital photography, complete with all the magic of its own portable darkroom, has brought a new dimension to the hobby. My OM-2 is retired now, but it is such a beautiful instrument, such a joy to hold and behold, that I don't think I will ever want to part with it. My digital, used mostly, is a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ30. Its 35-420 mm Leica zoom lens can really reach out for those hard to reach shots. My photographs are strictly amateurish, but hopefully some have succeeded in capturing something of the moment that inspired them.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Kelligrews beach, fall day.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Lloyd; I am a comm. fisherman from Maine USA. I agree that mid water trawling is absurdly wasteful and thankfully at least here is now largely banned. I found your photography of newfoundland wonderful, especially the older ones taken when you were young. I was in Newfoundland a couple of years ago when I purchased my current fishing vessel. I found the country as well as the people in general beautiful indeed! Just thought I'd say hello and thanks for the great work; Geordie---

11:36:00 PM  
Blogger Lloyd said...

Thank you, Gordie, for your very thoughtful comment.

5:23:00 PM  

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